| Three Dimensional Essay on Folding Memories
The fear of forgetting has always been my greatest fear. Throughout my life, I have sought ways to record and archive my memories. The Three-Dimensional Essay on Folding Memories is the latest method I have discovered. It is an endeavor to record, collect, and preserve my memories of being in places that hold significant meaning for me. These are places that become a home, even if only temporarily.
The most accurate and realistic method for documenting the state of being in one place and archiving it in a highly portable and transferable way is to be able to “fold” that piece of space, pack it in my suitcase, and take it home with me. I first presented the Three-Dimensional Essay on Folding Memories in October 2022 at the Centre International d'Art et du Paysage Île de Vassivière in France. It is a collection created from the memories I had during my art residency at the seventeenth-century chalet on the island of Vassivière in France. In this collection, I have showcased 24 photographs, captured as mementos from the island of Vassivière in 2022 and the city of Aarau, Switzerland in 2023, as well as 9 folding sculptural pieces inspired by memories of the house where I currently live in Tehran.