aaStudio Team - Ali & ReZa Amanzadegan

| Gelareh Goudarzi

Born in Boroujerd, Iran 1984

| Biography


BA in Painting, Faculty of Art and Architecture Tehran

Masters student in illustration at the University of Art Tehran


| Professional Life

[Solo Exhibitions]

Selected exhibitions:

2023 Group Exhibition, Yafteh Gallery Tehran, Iran

2022 Group Exhibition, Schaumbad-Freies Graz, Austria

2021 Industrial Heritage Dayhim art society Tehran, Iran

2021 Group Exhibition, Asr art gallery Tehran, Iran

2021 Group Exhibition, Studio Fornaresio Torin, Italy

2021 Group Exhibition, Serre torigini Florence, Italy

2021 Group Exhibition Palazzo Ducale. Genoa, Italy

2017 Group Exhibition, A Art Gallery Tehran, Iran

2014 Group Exhibition, Vista Gallery Tehran. Iran

2013 Group Exhibition Mohsen Gallery Tehran, Iran

2013 Group Exhibition, Mohsen Gallery Tehran, Iran


2020 Selected in Khor art project in artsy platform, Saradipour art Gallery 2021

Selected proposals exhibition of 4th Vista Contemporary

2021 Art Prize Selected in group exhibition of industrial heritage Dayhim art society project of “Rat race’’

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